
I don’t mind pidgeons.

But I do mind the excrement that they leave behind.

I searched the interweb to see if I could find an appropriate control method and I came up empty.

Taking matters in my own hands I’ve developed my own low-impact pest control method. This is how it works.

Step One

Regularly sneak out to the backyard.

Step Two

Spot pidgeons.

Step Three

Clap loudly at slow intervals trying to sound similar to a firearm.

Step Four



I’ve done this for about two months and the pidgeons are almost gone. The only evidence I find is a few feathers floating in the backyard.

08/23/2007 | hugh |

What pests control you?

  1. Catepillars. I officially HATE catepillars and thats bad because they’re everywhere in our garden and they’re getting BIGGER!!! AGH!!!

    Aug 24, 09:11 AM

  2. I wish I had a video of this I could post on youtube.

    Sep 2, 06:10 PM

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