My Sisters: The Jocks

As a kid I was blessed (although I didn’t realize it at the time) to watch my sisters Marva and Karen, participate in many sports. During the warmer school months, I remember walking to the park (across the street) and watching track meet competitions between the Northeast Jaguars and other less important schools.

Marva running.Marva was in track, but I don’t remember the events she participated in. The photo at right proves she competed in at least one running event. If I had to date this photo(credit: Doug), I would guess it’s thirty-years-old. Marva was probably in ninth grade and Skyline H.S. looks finished (far background). For thirty years I’ve held this memory somewhere back in my mind (although it hasn’t always been fresh), this photo popped the memory to the front of my mind (without the faded color). My sisters were great examples of athleticism and exercise having competed in track, volleyball and basketball throughout junior and senior high school.

As a kid I loved to run and play, but I never really took up organized athletics (aside from inter-mural basketball in seventh grade and church basketball when I was a little older). Part of the reason was that I never had much coordination until I was nineteen (and it only lasted about four years).

Now, things are coming full circle. As you probably know I’m on the 13 week run-walk program. Yesterday, I was scheduled for week 7, run 10 minutes, walk 1, 5 times. I wasn’t looking forward to this at all, partly because I had taken a couple days off the week before and partly because the thought of running 10 minutes 5 times was a little intimidating. but…

I DID IT! I ran 4+ miles. Just seven weeks ago I could barely run 1 minute at a time. I won’t say it was easy, but it sure wasn’t hard. Suddenly running 30, 40 or 50 minutes at a time doesn’t sound so impossible. My legs don’t even hurt today.

Watch out sisters, it’s been 30 years and I’m coming up fast.

02/29/2008 | hugh |


  1. My sisters were jocks too. NOT.

    Mar 1, 03:31 PM

  2. Way to go Hugh! Keep it up – and thanks for sharing the program with us!

    Mar 2, 02:13 PM

  3. Well, Sarah, we are both running now, so WATCH OUT!!

    Mar 2, 07:16 PM

  4. Very impressed! Amy keeps telling me to give the program a try. who knows….just might have to give it try!

    Mar 5, 01:55 PM

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