Confession of a Fitness Slacker

I’m guilty, I haven’t been running for three weeks.

I had allergies/cold and then basically just got lazy and lost the confidence to run 10 minutes, walk 1, four times.

Nike+iPodThis afternoon I “made” Michele “make” me go running. She thought I should go back a couple weeks (possibly the run 5 walk 1 eight times). I decided to try to keep on schedule (most because 10-1-4 was four minutes shorter).

The temperature was perfect and my legs weren’t nearly as tight as normal. I ended up making it the whole way. YEAH! When I walked in the door Michele looked at me and asked if I just walked the whole way. I must have looked pretty good (good as in not sweaty or red-faced).

Tonight I’m super happy and looking forward to running on Wednesday. I’m also looking forward General Conference and having new audio to listen to.

03/31/2008 | hugh |


  1. Congrats! My plan is to go to the gym. Eventually. I may even run when I get there, but I’m still undecided about it.

    Mar 31, 07:53 PM

  2. You should try my 3 step diet.
    1. Eat whatever you want.
    2. Drink water instead of Pop (including diet, it’s the worst).
    3. Take the stairs once in a while.

    It works great.

    Apr 1, 04:36 PM

  3. Someday I’ll understand the joke with the three step diet.

    Seriously though, I don’t drink pop, just water… maybe part of my problem is eating anything I want (rather than everything), that and I don’t have stairs at home or work.

    Apr 1, 04:55 PM

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