Running update 5-9-08


I should be finished with the 13-week program by now. I’m not.

Yesterday I ran week 10 session 1 (run 30 minutes, walk 1, run 30 minutes). I did it. My longest run ever. I love this 13-week program. After tomorrow’s run, my 2008 total will be 90+ miles.

I’ve decided when I finish to run the “run faster program.” Then I’ll either run the run longer program or possibly train for a half marathon (following in my neice’s inspiring footsteps).

BTW, I’ve lost 20 lbs., 15 since starting the program. 15 lbs., to go.

05/09/2008 | hugh |

How's your running? (comment)

  1. Hey I am proud of you! You are inspiring. I hear that the half marathon in Moab is a good one. You should try for it next year and run it with Heidi!

    May 10, 03:31 PM

  2. Thanks!.. and Amy and Becky.

    May 10, 03:58 PM

  3. Way to go! I’ve restarted the program and am hoping to sign up for a 10k later this summer to keep me motivated.

    May 12, 07:53 PM

  4. Keep it up Amy! Last year I restarted the program a number of times and never finished. This year there are no restarts for me.

    May 15, 11:58 AM

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