How much of a gardener are you?

I took a test and my gardening self-score is 68%.


This is a pretty serious passion for you, isn’t it? You’re out there, digging, amending, turning the compost, killing the bugs or even encouraging the beneficial insects. When you can’t be outside because of weather, you’re inside studying, diagramming, building, planning. You get everything out of your garden that you put into it, and probably soon you’ll be scoring even higher on this quiz.

How much of a gardener are you?


03/26/2008 | hugh |

What's your score?

  1. I got a 62% – You’re fairly knowledgable and probably are doing as much as you want. There’s all sorts of gardeners, and you just putter about with what interests you.

    Mar 26, 07:19 AM

  2. Sorry honey, I only got a 45% – You’ve done some gardening and you know some things, although you have plenty more to learn. If you’d like to do more, kick it up a notch!

    Mar 26, 08:36 AM

  3. My score is a 52. But I don’t believe it’s really that high. If the tomatoes yield well, then I’m in heaven.

    Mar 27, 12:33 PM

  4. I got a 74%. If it was what I WOULD do, I’d score a lot higher, I think.

    Mar 27, 05:30 PM

  5. My is 51%.

    You’re fairly knowledgable and probably are doing as much as you want. There’s all sorts of gardeners, and you just putter about with what interests you.

    Mar 30, 08:01 PM

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