It's finally me!

Over the past few months I have been reading different blogs of family members, strangers who have the same interests I do, companies, etc. I have thought how it would be such a good way to keep track of what I am doing. Seems even better than a journal because you could include pictures, recipes, just more details about my everyday life. Which I guess in the case of family history could be interesting for those who read it. So, I have contemplated have a blog for quite a few months. I just have a few reservations: how much would I disclose, concerns for safety for my family and one of the biggest TIME. I can hardly find time to do what I need to as it is why add something else to it? Well, I made the mistake of mentioning to Hugh I was thinking it might be fun to have a blog and before I have any time to think about any of my reservations we have a family bog and everyone in the family has blogged but me. I’m getting lots of pressure to start blogging so even though I am not quite sure how it is I want to blog I guess I’m starting. So don’t be suprised if my blog it pretty all over the place.

So that’s all for now. It should be a fun trip!

08/29/2007 | michele |


  1. Welcome to BLOG land! We’re happy to have you!

    Aug 29, 11:28 AM

  2. Who knows maybe you are starting a new trend! I have never blogged either! I’ll keep reading!

    Doug & Becky
    Aug 29, 03:38 PM

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