Anyone want to discuss with me?

When I go running I like to listen to Podcasts. I don’t do good running to music because the tempo changes affect my speed to much and it bothers me. Sometimes I will listen to books on tape, or talks but i like podcasts the best. I like the interview format, it keeps me from getting bored and doesn’t require as much attention. One of the podcasts I listen to the most is the Cricket and Seagull . A few weeks ago I listened to a Cricket and Seagull podcast that had on the author of the book He Did Deliver Me From Bondage (go to April 28, 2006 and May 5, 2006) by Colleen Harrison. Colleen Harrison was overweight and having a hard time losing weight. She just couldn’t stick to anything. She ended up going to Overeaters Anonymous where she went through the 12 step program for addictive behaviors. While going through the steps she thought so many of them sounded like they could have come from The Book of Mormon so she went through the steps and found places in the Book of Mormon that supported those thoughts. She put those steps in a book and it was later used by Family Services for 10 years until the church made their own book to be used. She was on the committee that put this new book together. So as I was listening to this interview I really liked some of the things she said.She really talked about trusting God, putting God first, the Atonement. The book Deliver Me From Bondage is meant to be used like a workout. There are scriptures to be searched out and questions to really ponder. The interviewer Steven Kapp Perry said he has heard many people use this book even if they do not struggle with an addictive problem because it is so good at bringing you closer to Christ. I love work book type of books. Books that have you search out scriptures and answer questions. I seem to get more out of them then books I just read. (Unless we are talking fiction of coarse, which I love, but that is a different post) So I decided even though I don’t struggle with an addiction I wanted to read this book. So I bought it at Deseret Book. I am very surprised at how much I am getting out of this book. I have found that I have some very screwey thinking. There are alot of thought that I think make great discussion thoughts so I thought I would post them here. If you want to discuss with me look for my posts titled He Did Deliver Me. Can’t wait to hear from everyone!

08/29/2007 | michele |


  1. I guess I should go and get the book! Sounds like a good read with ideas to improve yourself. I’ll be interested to hear more about it. Becky

    Doug & Becky
    Aug 29, 03:45 PM

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