Butterfly net

One of the great things about working from home is spending windows of time with my kids. This morning while I was watering the garden I discovered caterpillars that appear to be moving on to their next stage. Quinan and I decided to capture it in an canning jar (my own childhood memories came flooding back).

Quinan disappeared for a minute and returned with a child’s play butterfly net. I didn’t think we could catch anything, but minutes later we had a moth that had landed on the squash and another that landed on the watermelon.

Quinan discovering caterpillars and moths.

Here’s a picture of Quinan studying his catch after bringing it inside.

08/31/2007 | quinan |

What is one of your favorite childhood memories?

  1. Building forts in our backyard using blankets, chairs and our little playground set.


    Sep 7, 10:13 AM

  2. Kim, our kids do that too… although they stay inside because it’s air conditioned.


    Sep 7, 02:52 PM

  3. I also remember catching a caterpilllar and watching it do its thing! I always thought that it was so awesome. But my favorite childhood memories was when we would go to Washington every summer and playing with cousins.


    Sep 7, 07:46 PM

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