Fun Family Saturday But Not Such A Good Saturday For Saturday Chores

This morning I got up early and went running. Well, not really so early – I left at about 7:00 and boy was it hot already!I can’t wait till it gets much colder. I like running in the cold and have to force myself to go when it is hot. Unfortunately I have discovered this summer that nothing keeps me slimmer than running.

As Hugh mentioned we went to Spring Preserve. It was just way to hot! I guess we shouldn’t have done the trails, stick to the buildings when it is so hot. I think today I just am really not liking the heat of Las Vegas. Most of the time it doesn’t really bother me to much but boy today it sure has. When we came home we all took a nap and even with the nap i still have never got my energy back. So I haven’t gotten much done today. Oh well.

The good news of this week is Quinan has only had 1 accident with potty training for the whole week!

Got a call at 6:30 asking to teach Jensen’s primary class tomorrow so i guess I should go look at that. I haven’t taught Primary for a really long time. Hugh said he wanted to do it with me so I guess we are going to team teach. Kind of wish we had more time to work on the lesson.

I am off and realizing that I need to learn how to put pictures on and also realizing that I need to take more pictures in general.

Starting the book Fablehaven by Brandon Mull. Both of the girls have read it and really, really like it. i also have a friend that reads alot of books and she has loved it. Though I have to say the cover kind of freaks me out a bit.

09/02/2007 | michele |


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