Favorite Quote of the day

Found in a devotional address given at BYU-Idaho.
Ann Dibb daughter of President Monson.
“I’d like to share with you the most powerful testimony I’ve heard my father share. It was in his home ward during a sacrament meeting. He related his experience of going to the Holy Land, walking on the shores of the Sea of Galilee, and walking where Jesus may have walked… Then he said, ‘I may have walked where Jesus once walked, but what is more important to me is that today, I can walk where Jesus would walk if he were still with us. I can listen to the promptings of the Holy Ghost and minister to those the Savior would minister to today,’” she said.

02/20/2008 | michele |


  1. That is a powerful message. To think that we each can do the same, makes you kind of stop and wonder if you are living to the potential that is ours. Thanks for sharing


    Feb 21, 03:03 PM

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