The Roper Family's Adventure!... Fun...

As hinted in the title, we’ve had quite an adventure. And it’s not over yet. Great.
I’ll start at the beginning, from my point of view.

I woke up to a loud noise, similar to a vacuum. But it was WAY too loud to be a vacuum. Since I was half asleep, I just assumed my parents were cleaning the carpet, though there was no reason at all for them to be cleaning the carpet. Especially at 6:00 am. My alarm hadn’t gone off yet, so I just laid in my bed, listening to the hubbub of the mysterious machine. As my annoying alarm sounded off, my mom can into my room. (Note that the lights were still off.) “Jensen, the house flooded so we turned off the water. Don’t use any,” she exclaimed. She tapped her foot on the ground as she said this, and left the room. Still dreamy, I was confused and didn’t really think of what she said much. As I stepped down, icy cold water flushed around my feet. Oh great, I thought. Most of the house had about an inch of water on the floor.

That was the morning, every hectic, especially for a sleepy 12 year old girl. But it wasn’t half as frantic as it was going to be.

When I came home from school, the first thing I saw was a green truck in front of our house. The carpet and tile and hardwood floor had all been torn out and giant fans scattered around the house. Because of this, we had to stay at the La Quinta for a few days and then came back home.

Well, that’s our story. It’s not fun walking around in shoes in our concrete floor home. Sharing a room with Kennerley and Quinan. Soon we’ll have to get a suite in a hotel when workers come to fix the plumbing, and it’s going to be wild for a month or two.

The thing I’ll be looking forward to is sleep.

09/19/2009 | jen |


  1. Did you guys have a slab leak? This happened to us in Vegas. I was 8 months pregnate, concrete floors, big LOUD fans, and praying things would be back to normal by time I went into labor. NOT FUN! So sorry that happened to you guys.

    Heather Harden
    Sep 20, 06:20 AM

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