Journals... 5/24/09

Today in Young Women’s, we learned about the importance of keeping a journal.

Some of the leaders came up and shared their experiences and thoughts of journals. The first leader(I won’t name the names in case they don’t want everyone to know stuff about them) that came up had been journaling most of her life. She mostly had journals with loose leaf and stuffed random things in the pockets. Their was a Roadshow program, even a bug in her missionary journal. By keeping a journal, she found out a lot about herself. The second leader told about her journal, which was from a trip where she first met her husband. :) The last didn’t keep much journals, and she said how much she regretted it. She no longer remembers experiences she wished she did. We

We also talked about the different ways to keep a journal.
1. Write about things you are grateful for
2. Write about your favorite things
3. Write about spiritual experiences
4. Write about any experiences you have
5. Write these things down on calendars to remember the dates
6. Write in an LDS journal account (an online journal) (

We set down what I would call rules.
1. Write about anything, it doesn’t matter what
2. You don’t have to keep it if you don’t want. For example, you just wanted to blow off some steam
3. Keep a journal before you regret you didn’t
4. You won’t regret keeping a journal.
5. Don’t throw away experiences. Your children may go through the same thing and want to know how you dealt with it or felt

05/24/2009 | jen |


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