Armagosa Valley Sand Dunes
A couple weeks ago I went with the scouts (and other leaders) to the sand dunes in the Armagosa Valley (between Pahrump and Beatty Nevada). We had a blast (even without ATVs). If you click on the photo you might see some black specs on the large dune… those are ATVs. We hiked to the top of that large dune (but unfortunately didn’t bring the camera). I was proud that all the scouts made it to the top.
The scouts tried sliding, skate boarding, cardboarding and rolling down the dunes. Nothing worked very well (except for rolling). I wonder how those guys who snowboard on dunes du it?
04/24/2008 | hugh | Comment [1]
Gardens from the scriptures
About a week ago my father was telling me about a Fifth Sunday gardening lesson he helped with in another ward. He started out discussing the three [most important] gardens in the Bible. What do you think they were?
Update: SB, you’re the winner! I’m proud to have you as my sister-in-law.
04/20/2008 | hugh | Comment [6]
Do One Thing That’s Green
We didn’t know it, mostly because we don’t live in NYC, but yesterday was do One Thing That’s Green day. While we didn’t plant any trees, we did work (and play) in the backyard moving our square foot gardens, and making the playable area of our yard much larger. We also started a compost and are very excited to see it grow and to eventually stop using fertilizer. I’m excited to mow our front lawn, add dry grass clippings and really get things going.
I guess that would be our one thing that’s green. What’s yours?
Two peas in a pod.
This morning I wanted to record for historical purposes the height of our peas. I asked Jen to pose with the peas that are about 6’ tall. Good thing for Jen, I didn’t notice the two caterpillars (photo at left) that were on a leaf right by her hand (in the top photo). I think she would have “freaked” out. For Jen’s birthday we all went an enjoyed Kenn’s play performance (kenn had the starring role). Jen’s shirt is a birthday present from Ken, that has been signed by the entire cast of the school play. Sometimes I’m amazed our daughters are such good friends.
04/18/2008 | hugh | Comment [2]
Climbing Longs Peak
The hardest peak I’ve ever climbed (twice) is Longs Peak (14,259 feet). This video from Backpacker Magazine sure brings back memories.
I remember on my first climb, my sister Marva got sick and purged sardines. She was a trooper and kept going despite her serious altitude sickness. After we finished my father said “I only kept going because you did.” Funny thing is that if he had started talking about turning around, I totally would have. In hindsight, I’m glad he kept quiet.
Wasn’t that first time a ward activity? That’d be like having a ward activity climbing both Mt. Charleston and Bridge Mountain here in Las Vegas.
What’s your favorite climb?
04/18/2008 | hugh | Comment [3]
Link list
We’ve just added a “Helps” section to the top of our link list on the right. Just a little step to try and influence things for good.
I think Elder Ballard’s counsel applies not just to college graduates but all of us online. And I’ve always wanted to start one of those blog “tag your it” meme things… so Tastes Kinda Minty, Duffsters, and The Books Family, your it. Make your influence felt and remember to tag three other people (if you want).
04/14/2008 | hugh | Comment [4]
I just ran three miles
04/08/2008 | hugh |
What am I doing?
What am I doing as tags
04/08/2008 | hugh | Comment [2]
cough da Johnsons cough cough have a blog cough. I’m seriously hoping for some of LJ’s bball trash-talk to show up on the blogosphere. He’s the funniest guy I know on the court… Supercoop comes in second with his pregnant tummy hit spin bounce trick… gets me everytime.
04/06/2008 | hugh | Talk Trash [2]
Guerilla Gardening
“I guerilla garden — what makes it on my level of care gets replanted. If the plant is too wimpy to endure my preschooler and my kamikaze schedule, I never grow it again. :) “
— veganmom30 (flickr square foot gardening group)