Roper5 Mission

Tonight for Family Home Evening we discussed creating a family mission.

First, we brainstormed our family roles.

Second, we combined these roles into five areas:

Third, we drafted a list of long-term goals for these roles:

My suggestion final family mission:

As a family we will prepare for eternity through service, exploration, friendship and love.

Brainstorm list of roles:

Notes for final mission:

Return to Heavenly Father, invite others into our lives and to Christ, have fun, improve the world, remember ancestors, love family and preserve our lives. Live like and invite others to Christ, have fun making the world better, discover our family of the past, celebrate our present family and preserve for our future family. Look to Christ, discover past, celebrate present and protect for our future.

We finished tonight with Michele’s secret fluffy chocolate chip cookies (made with sour cream) and a game of Quinan’s Alphabet Bingo.

03/02/2009 | hugh | What's your family's mission? [3]


For our Family Night activity a few weeks ago Quinan showed us that he learned to somersault. Jensen courageously expressed that she had a little trouble with forward rolls. After a little encouragement and a few practice rolls she was saulting like a pro. They we all joined in on the fun. You might even catch me doing the worm.

10/22/2007 | hugh | Comment

Shadow Tricks

Our Family Home Evening lesson a few weeks ago was on Types and Shadows of Christ .

The activity (on shadows) was inspired by Shadow Tricks from Curious George .

Shadow video 1: Watering a flower. (Click the picture to watch)

Shadow video 2: Losing her head.

Shadow video 3: Moses and the fiery flying serpents.

Shadow video 4: Nephi taking care of Laban .

10/14/2007 | hugh | Tell us about your fun FHEs.